************* Globalization ************* Globalization includes internationalization and localization. Internationalization can be applied to various languages and regions. Localization fits the language and culture in a specific area as appending the language-specific components. CUBRID supports multilingual collations including Europe and Asia to facilitate the localization. If you want to know overall information about character data setting, see :ref:`char-data-conf-guide`. If you want to know about charset, collation and locale, see :ref:`globalization-overview`. For timezone type and realted functions, see :ref:`timezone-type`. For timezone related system parameters, see :ref:`timezone-parameters`. If you want to update a timezone information as a new one, timezone library should be recompiled; for details, see :ref:`timezone-library`. If you want to apply the wanted locale to the database, you have to set the locale firstly, then create the database. Regarding this setting, see :ref:`locale-setting`. If you want to change the collation or charset specified on the database, specify :ref:`COLLATE modifier ` or :ref:`CHARSET modifier ` to the column, table, expression, and specify :ref:`COLLATE modifier ` or :ref:`charset-introducer` to the string literal. Regarding this setting, see :ref:`collation-setting`. The functions or operators related to strings can work differently by charset and collation. Regarding this, see :ref:`operations-charset-collation`. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 i18n.rst